Empower Your Welding Career

Certified Welding Inspector

Empower Your Welding Career

Certified Welding Inspector

The AWS Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) credential is a mark of distinction in the welding field, demonstrating a thorough grasp of welding processes and standards. This certification not only propels individual careers forward through recognition and higher income potential but also benefits companies by ensuring their projects adhere to the highest quality standards.

Recognizing diverse needs, AWS offers flexible training options, including custom seminars tailored to specific organizational requirements, alongside traditional in-person, and online courses, making it easier for professionals to prepare for and achieve CWI certification.

Certified Welding Inspector

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CWI Initial Application

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  • Eligibility
  • Documents & Resources
  • Pricing
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CWI Renewal

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CWI Recertification

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  • Endorsement
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CWI by IIW Waiver or Reciprocity

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Discover the value of CWI & SCWI endorsements


AWS Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) endorsements are essential for professionals looking to enhance their skills and advance their careers in the welding industry. These specialized qualifications demonstrate your commitment to excellence and are vital for CWI and Senior Certified Welding Inspector (SCWI) recertification.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I pick what start time my exam will be?

    CWI (Exam Parts A and C) CBT Exams

    Prometric schedules exams in windows, typically a morning window and an afternoon window, and you may select one or the other depending on availability.

    You will not be able to choose a specific start time (e.g., 10:30 a.m.), but you will be able to select an available time slot in either the morning or the afternoon.

    CWI Part B Exam

    Exam dates and times are scheduled along with AWS seminars and are often held in a variety of cities across the United States.

    Exam dates and times are not flexible. Please plan for potential travel time depending on the exam location you select.

  • Can I schedule my exam by walking into the local Prometric exam center and talking to a staff person there?

    A candidate must receive a confirmation letter from AWS before scheduling exams with Prometric.

    The confirmation letter, which includes an eligibility code, will be sent via email after initial, renewal, or recertification applications and all required documentation are reviewed, processed, and approved by the AWS Certification Department.

    A candidate will require the eligibility code contained in the confirmation letter sent by AWS before being permitted to schedule.

  • Can I submit an incomplete CWI application via my.aws.org?

    Yes, my.aws.org now offers the ability to save an incomplete application.

  • Can I use my nickname on my CWI application?

    The name on your government-issued ID needs to exactly match the name you provide on your application.

    The Prometric Staff will require the name on the ID that candidates present at the Exam Center to exactly match the name on the application.

  • Has the CWI application/registration process changed?

    The American Welding Society offers all applicants the opportunity to use the online Certification Application Portal to register for seminars and courses and to make payments.

    Before beginning the online application, please review the submission process, required documents, and the education and work experience requirements that must be met to become a CWI.

    AWS administers the CWI Part A and Part C Exams via Prometric. Candidates will receive a confirmation letter from AWS via email once all application requirements are completed and approved. A candidate will require the eligibility code contained in the confirmation letter before being permitted to schedule CWI Part A and Part C Exams with Prometric.

    Prometric offers over 450 exam centers across the globe and has over 100 Exam Centers across the United States. For more information, please visit the AWS page on Prometric’s website.

    AWS administers CWI Part B (Practical) exam at locations across the United States where AWS educational seminars are scheduled.

    Please review the schedule here.

    International candidates should work with their local AWS Agent representative to determine appropriate methods for applying for certification programs and for registering for exams.

  • If I take CWI Part B practical exam but do not think I scored high enough to keep my overall average up, can I retake CWI Part B again before taking Part A and Part C?

    CWI candidates must complete all three parts of the CWI exams (Part A, Part B Practical, and Part C) before retaking any of the exam parts.

  • What are the application deadlines to take the CWI exams?

    CWI Part B Practical Exam

    For CWI examinations that include the Part B Practical exam, application deadlines will remain the same as published.

    In the U.S., the deadline is six weeks prior to the Part B exam date.

    Please plan for potential travel time depending on the exam location you select.

    CWI Part A and Part C Exams

    CWI (Exam Parts A and C) exams, application deadlines are flexible, depending on your scheduling preferences and availability to take the selected certification program exams at Prometric.

    Candidates will find the best availability at Prometric sites when scheduling as soon as they receive their eligibility codes in their confirmation letters.

    Outside of the U.S., the deadline may be closer to four weeks (please see the local AWS agent for the specific timeline for your country/region).

  • Why can’t I take the CWI exams all in one weekend?

    Prometric administers CWI Part A and Part C Exams via CBT.

    AWS directly administers CWI Part B Practical Exam.

    Parts A and C Exams will be held at a Prometric Exam Center, and Part B Exam will be held at a different time, day, and location.

  • Why do I have to contact Prometric to schedule an exam date and time?

    The Prometric website maintains the most current schedule options available to AWS candidates.

  • I scheduled CWI Part A and Part C for the same day; which part will I see first?

    When you schedule your exam, you are given the option to choose the order in which you prefer to take Parts A and C of your exam.

  • Can I take CWI Part A and Part C before I take Part B?

    All candidates are required to take the Part B Practical portion of the CWI Exam before Parts A and C.

    Candidates may choose whether to take Part A before Part C or vice versa, but both must be after Part B has been completed and within - days of Part B Practical.

  • Why is there a gap between the CWI Part A and Part C exams?

    Prometric treats CWI Part A and Part C as two separate exams, and therefore they are scheduled separately.

    Although they may be on the same day, they may be some hours apart, depending on the availability of various exam seats at the local Prometric Center.

  • Does AWS offer CBT exams in languages other than English?

    CBT Exams are offered in languages other than English.

    Languages currently offered are Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean.

    Please contact your local AWS International Agent for more information.

  • If I am an international candidate, how long will it take to get my eligibility code?

    On average and barring extenuating circumstances, international applications are processed in approximately four (4) to six (6) weeks from the time the application is received.

    Once an application is processed, eligibility codes for Parts A and C are created and emailed directly to the candidate.

    AWS Coordinators will send a follow-up email to the agency within 24 hours of processing with all eligibility letters.